
Self Introduction in Japanese

8:52:00 AM
Most of Japanese can't understand Native speaker talks in English. Some people  plobably will escape far from you. If you say Hello in Japanese, they say "pretty much!" You just say "KON NICHI WA" Let's try it. How to read Hiragana, please click here. Hiragana - ひらがな and, Google translator is nice.  "Listen to the voice" is nearly natural. Introduction ------------------------- ”Nice to meet...



kawaii wig shops in Japan【kyary's wigs】

1:44:00 PM
There are various wig shops in Japan. That wigs has become more natural than before annually. It's not only for cosplay, but also for HARAJUKU fashion. and sometime for medical. We need the  wigs that are Heat-resisting over 180 degrees for styling. and It's more cheeper than before. PRISILA http://www.prisila.jp/fs/prisila/CTA-016-CTMPP Everyone knows the shop kyary pamyu pamyu use it. She use this wig in"TUKEMA...



KOREAN "PLAY NO MORE" nails art in Japan

2:06:00 PM

Recommend Kawaii outfit shops in HARAJUKU

2:44:00 PM
Pastel, Dreaming, Kawaii Fashion Now Kawaii fashion has been spreading in the HARAJUKU girls. there is a lot of fun loves the World of Kawaii. Do you think that you wish you get to the coordination something like this?  Like that pastel,milky also fantasy. I think that there is a lot of fun surreptitiously... I recomend you the HARAJUKU shops that most famous. ...



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